Poor Blood Circulation Is Dangerous to Your Health

Blood circulation, the constant movement of blood throughout the body, is essential for total body wellness. As blood moves through the system, it delivers nutrients and oxygen to all organs and cells and carries waste and toxins to the liver and kidneys for elimination. Problems with blood circulation can cause several health issues.
The Dangers of Poor Blood Circulation
Having poor circulation to any specific area of your body can negatively affect every organ in your body. Accumulated waste and toxins and poor diet contribute to poor circulation, which means less oxygen and nutrients for your organs.
Vital organs such as the brain, heart, kidneys or liver can become severely damaged or fail within minutes of not receiving oxygen. Symptoms of poor circulation include numbness or coldness in hands and feet; sudden hair loss, pains in your limbs; cramps; the feeling of pins and needles in your limbs; swelling of lower extremities; fatigue; breathlessness; varicose veins; skin discoloring; tightness or heaviness in chest; erectile dysfunction; a weakened immune system; slow healing; frequent, unexplained headaches; and sudden attacks of dizziness.
Strategies for Improving Circulation
- Help the three blood-cleansing organs (the liver, kidneys, and lymph glands) by detoxing.
- Alternate hot and cold hydrotherapy: The hot application expands blood vessels, filling them with blood, and the cold application constricts blood vessels, forcing the blood to move to other parts of the body.
- Dry-skin brushing removes dead skin cells, stimulating your skin and improving circulation.
- Deep breathing helps the flow of blood and lymph fluid, improving lung function, stimulating relaxation, and creating an overall sense of well being.
- Engage in some form of physical activity for at least 30 minutes most days.
- Stretch regularly throughout the day.
- If you smoke, consider quitting. Smoking leads to narrow blood vessels.
- Avoid wearing restrictive or tight-fitting clothing as it can hinder circulation.
- Wear shoes that do not hamper proper circulation in your legs.
- Stay warm in the winter.
- Manage stress; get regular massages and adjustments.
- Elevate your legs to relieve the stress from vessels in that area of the body.
Your Diet Can Boost Your Circulation
Diet is the single most influential factor for poor circulation:
- Eat more leafy green vegetables, citrus fruits.
- Eat fermented foods to ensure that you gut is getting good bacteria.
- Blackberries are known to promote new blood cell formation and to purify blood.
- Pumpkin seeds are a food source of vitamin E, which is proven to keep blood flowing freely and prevent blood clots.
- Oranges contain high levels of vitamin C and bioflavonoids help the flow of blood through the body by strengthening the capillary walls.
- Watermelons are rich in lycopene, which can prevent a buildup of plaque (the substance that can interfere with blood flow in the arteries).
- Nuts contains L-arginine, an amino acid that has been shown to relax blood vessels and increase blood flow.
- Reduce your salt intake.
- Drink plenty of water, your organs need to stay hydrated. In addition, the extra water will assist in flushing harmful toxins out of your body.
- Eliminate or reduce caffeine and alcohol as they tend to dehydrate you.
Herbs Are Concentrated Whole Food Nutrients That Can Successfully Address Circulatory Problems
Below are a list of herbs and how they affect the blood circulatory system:
- Rosemary is known to improve blood circulation.
- Ginger stimulates the blood flow to all organs.
- Cayenne pepper strengthen arteries and blood vessels and increases blood circulation and metabolic rate.
- Dandelion is a diuretic herb that enhances the liver and blood flow to the legs.
- Ginseng is known to improve circulation and blood flow.
- Stinging nettle mixed with motherwort and royal pate is a traditional remedy for varicose veins.
- Hawthorn berry have traditionally been used for restoration of the heart and for circulation. Studies indicate that it may improve blood pressure and blood fat levels.
- Ginkgo biloba has been shown to boost circulation and keep the blood flowing through your veins.
- Milk thistle has been used to cleanse and detox the liver, one of the organs that cleanse the blood.
- Burdock root has been traditionally used for soothing the kidneys and purifying the blood.
If left untreated conditions of poor circulation may develop life-threatening complications to include amputation. It is of the most importance to report chronic symptoms of poor circulation to your healthcare provider. Until the next time, take care of your body and your body will take care of you.